removing deprecated pages from the manual
Olivier Sessink
2012-05-03 09:06:49 UTC
Hi all,

the manual in the wiki has quite a few deprecated pages, such as the
"installing bluefish" pages. The table of contents is, therefore, crowded
with irrelevant things.

Shouldn't we remove those pages so we get a smaller but more relevant manual?

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe bluefish-dev" in
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Bluefish web site: http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/
Christian Tellefsen
2012-05-03 21:30:28 UTC
Post by Olivier Sessink
Hi all,
the manual in the wiki has quite a few deprecated pages, such as the
"installing bluefish" pages. The table of contents is, therefore, crowded
with irrelevant things.
Shouldn't we remove those pages so we get a smaller but more relevant manual?
A couple of people already have admin access to the Wiki (required to
delete pages). If anyone else needs delete access, let me know.

Also, for non-admins I propose using [[Category:Delete]] to nominate pages
for deletion.

If you have suggestions or want to do bulk deletions, I'd be happy to help.

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe bluefish-dev" in
the body of a message to listar-QLpEr2logwzILq5++***@public.gmane.org or visit the list control panel at http://www.ems.ru/cgi-bin/listargate.cgi
Bluefish web site: http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/
2012-05-05 09:26:57 UTC
On Thu, 3 May 2012 11:06:49 +0200
Post by Olivier Sessink
Hi all,
the manual in the wiki has quite a few deprecated pages, such as the
"installing bluefish" pages. The table of contents is, therefore, crowded
with irrelevant things.
Shouldn't we remove those pages so we get a smaller but more relevant manual?
I have add un 'o' obsolete status in manual 2:

page marked as obsolete are not in category Manual 2
but in category "Manual 2 deprecated"

After that, all pages in Manual_2_deprecated can be removed from ToC,
or redirected to an appropriate page,
e.g. 'Man 2 ch02' can be redicted to 'Installing Bluefish',
for that just add: #REDIRECT[[Installing_Bluefish]]
at the first line of the page to be redirected.
2012-05-05 10:58:52 UTC
On Thu, 3 May 2012 11:06:49 +0200
Post by Olivier Sessink
Hi all,
the manual in the wiki has quite a few deprecated pages, such as the
"installing bluefish" pages. The table of contents is, therefore, crowded
with irrelevant things.
Shouldn't we remove those pages so we get a smaller but more relevant manual?
Links to ToC, at bottom of pages 'Manual 2', now point to the new updated ToC page.
(was http://bfwiki.tellefsen.net/index.php/Man_2_ToC, now:
Frédéric Falsetti
Olivier Sessink
2012-05-05 13:27:06 UTC
Post by clansco
On Thu, 3 May 2012 11:06:49 +0200
Post by Olivier Sessink
Hi all,
the manual in the wiki has quite a few deprecated pages, such as the
"installing bluefish" pages. The table of contents is, therefore, crowded
with irrelevant things.
Shouldn't we remove those pages so we get a smaller but more relevant manual?
Links to ToC, at bottom of pages 'Manual 2', now point to the new updated ToC page.

can I just edit the table of contents to remove pages like "Latest
Snapshot Version" that are no longer relevant ?

Bluefish website http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/
Blog http://oli4444.wordpress.com/
2012-05-05 14:08:50 UTC
On Sat, 05 May 2012 15:27:06 +0200
Post by Olivier Sessink
Post by clansco
On Thu, 3 May 2012 11:06:49 +0200
Post by Olivier Sessink
Hi all,
the manual in the wiki has quite a few deprecated pages, such as the
"installing bluefish" pages. The table of contents is, therefore, crowded
with irrelevant things.
Shouldn't we remove those pages so we get a smaller but more relevant manual?
Links to ToC, at bottom of pages 'Manual 2', now point to the new updated ToC page.
can I just edit the table of contents to remove pages like "Latest
Snapshot Version" that are no longer relevant ?
feel free to edit bfwiki
1) it is a wiki
2) you are the Boss
