slimit javascript minifier: include, or depend on external install?
Olivier Sessink
2013-11-22 10:13:03 UTC
Hi all,

currently bluefish includes jsmin in the tarball, which has a non-free
licence (with the "evil" clause -

see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=707513

In the bugreport slimit is suggested as replacement. In Debian slimit is
already available as a package. But on many other platforms it is not.

Should we include it or not? Or make install optional? If you have ideas
how to do this please help with that.

Bluefish website http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/
Blog http://oli4444.wordpress.com/
Jim Hayward
2013-11-22 13:57:59 UTC
Post by Olivier Sessink
In the bugreport slimit is suggested as replacement. In Debian slimit is
already available as a package. But on many other platforms it is not.
slimit is also available as a package for Fedora.
Post by Olivier Sessink
Should we include it or not? Or make install optional? If you have ideas
how to do this please help with that.
I think I would lean more towards making it an optional install. Fedora
has worked around the issue for Fedora 20 by replacing jsmin with
another version found here.


Jim H
Olivier Sessink
2013-11-22 15:45:49 UTC
Post by Jim Hayward
I think I would lean more towards making it an optional install. Fedora
has worked around the issue for Fedora 20 by replacing jsmin with
another version found here.
Jim H
ahh, I guess we should do that as well then!

Bluefish website http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/
Blog http://oli4444.wordpress.com/