script for the next bluefish movie - please comment
Olivier Sessink
2012-06-27 20:21:30 UTC
I'm preparing for a new Bluefish movie, I wrote this script. Any feature
I should really show that I am forgetting? Please comment!

In this video we will show you some of the more hidden features in
Bluefish 2.2.3. Let's start with selections. One of the new features is
that you can drag with the mouse in the margin to select one or more
lines of text. Also new, is that you can move this block of text if you
hold the control key and push the arrow buttons. So this is control-up,
and this is control-down. If you have a block of text selected and you
hit control-H, the advanced search, it will automatically default to
search by selection. But if I select just a single word, it will put the
selected word in the search field. An area that has also been improved
in the 2.2.3 release is code folding. Various bugs have been fixed, but
also some new features have been added. For example to fold only a
specific type of block. If I open a large C file with many comments, I
can now choose to fold for example all comments. You can also now
configure which blocks are foldable. In this example you see that only
comments and blocks in curly braces are foldable, but not square braces.
If you open the preferences and go to the C language preferences you can
see that folding square braces is disabled indeed. There are more
language options that are now configurable. For example if you want to
auto-complete functions with or without ending semi-colon. Let me show
an example. The function strcasecmp string case compare is autocompleted
without semi-colon. This can be changed in the preferences.
Unfortunately Bluefish needs a restart so it will re-load the language
files with the new options. There are also various other new things
configurable. For example some visibility options. You can have a fatter
cursor if you want, highlight the cursor position itself, or the line
the cursor is in, or both. You can set the normal editor colors, and all
textstyles. Most textstyles are used for syntax highlighting, but some
are special, such as the style for search results, the block match
highlighting and the fold header. The last bit I would like to show is
the configuration of the external programs. It is now easier to reset
them to the defaults, and if you just don't like some of the defaults
you can disable them. This works the same for the filters, the external
commands and the commands that show their output in the outputbox.
That's it for now, to see all features give Bluefish a test run!
