issues in jquery bflinc
Olivier Sessink
2013-11-22 17:21:38 UTC
Hi all,

I tried the jquery language definition, but it generates quite some errors:

Error in language file: patterns addClass and addClass in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns hasClass and hasClass in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns height and height in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns innerHeight and innerHeight in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns innerWidth and innerWidth in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns outerHeight and outerHeight in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns outerWidth and outerWidth in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns position and position in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns removeClass and removeClass in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns toggleClass and toggleClass in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns width and width in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns data and data in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns height and height in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns innerHeight and innerHeight in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns innerWidth and innerWidth in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns outerHeight and outerHeight in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns outerWidth and outerWidth in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns width and width in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns clearQueue and clearQueue in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns dequeue and dequeue in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns queue and queue in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns stop and stop in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns blur and blur in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns focus and focus in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns load and load in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns resize and resize in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns scroll and scroll in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns toggle and toggle in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns blur and blur in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns change and change in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns focus and focus in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns jQuery.param and jQuery.param in
context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns select and select in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns serialize and serialize in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns serializeArray and serializeArray in
context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns submit and submit in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns val and val in context 94 overlap each
Error in language file: patterns addClass and addClass in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns attr and attr in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns css and css in context 94 overlap each
Error in language file: patterns hasClass and hasClass in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns height and height in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns html and html in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns innerHeight and innerHeight in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns innerWidth and innerWidth in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns insertBefore and insertBefore in
context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns offset and offset in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns outerHeight and outerHeight in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns outerWidth and outerWidth in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns position and position in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns removeAttr and removeAttr in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns removeClass and removeClass in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns scrollLeft and scrollLeft in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns scrollTop and scrollTop in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns text and text in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns toggleClass and toggleClass in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns val and val in context 94 overlap each
Error in language file: patterns width and width in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns data and data in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns jQuery.noConflict and jQuery.noConflict
in context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns jQuery.param and jQuery.param in
context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns size and size in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns offset and offset in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns position and position in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns scrollLeft and scrollLeft in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns scrollTop and scrollTop in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns each and each in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns filter and filter in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns offsetParent and offsetParent in
context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns parent and parent in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns slice and slice in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns clearQueue and clearQueue in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns jQuery.data and jQuery.data in context
94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns dequeue and dequeue in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns jQuery.dequeue and jQuery.dequeue in
context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns jQuery.proxy and jQuery.proxy in
context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns queue and queue in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns context and context in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns length and length in context 94 overlap
each other
Error in language file: patterns selector and selector in context 94
overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns jQuery.browser and jQuery.browser in
context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns jQuery.support and jQuery.support in
context 94 overlap each other
Error in language file: patterns jQuery.fx.off and jQuery.fx.off in
context 94 overlap each other

Looks like there are a lot of duplicate entries in that file.

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Blog http://oli4444.wordpress.com/